Friday, July 18, 2008

Watchmen Trailer

Holy crap. One of the guys from work just told me this was out there...

For those of you who don't know, The Watchmen is considered the greatest comic book ever created. Literally. Ask your friendly neighborhood comic geek, and I doubt you will find many that will argue that this graphic novel is considered the best. Now, I've been really doubtful that they would be able to pull this story off. It's just too big and too complicated. But seeing this trailer?

I don't want to get my hopes up, but wow...Zack Snyder just may be able to pull this off.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Just so there is no confusion...Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, created by the amazing Joss Whedon, is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Hell, it's better than sliced bread.

Make sure to get there before July 20, because then they are taking them down and doing something with them. Like, put them on a DVD or something.

I'm gonna go watch it again...