Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Watchercast Episode 4 - Teacher's Pet

Episode 4 of our podcast, "The Watchercast" is out! (We finally got over that third episode hump!)

The Watchercast Logo

Teacher's Pet is a favorite of many, I know, and it's especially good for the first season. It has some great Xander moments. Come on over and hear Jason pretend not to find Miss French attractive!

Yeah, Miss French is not smoking hot...whatever!

(yeah, SURE Jason. not hot at all!)

Friday, February 16, 2007

Minimal Color = More Pretty

So, I'm playing around with computer coloring, trying to come up with a look for a story I want to tell. I'm crap with coloring...I've just never had a good eye for what colors work well together. I think I know it when I see it, but there is just WAY too much trial and error.

Anyway, I've been seeing a lot of really beautiful work recently with some really minimal color palettes (most recently, the art of Van Beater)so I thought I would try something along that line.

It's not as easy as it looks, but I think I may finally be on my way...what do you think?

Seriously, I've never been one to beg for comments, but any critiques that you have of the piece would be more than welcome! Just leave them in the comments section of this post!


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Dan Beahm and the Invisible Three - Amplifier is OUT!

The brilliant Dan Beahm and his amazing band, the Invisible Three, have not only got their new disc together, they're giving them away FREE!


OK, not really giving the DISCS away. But you can hear the whole damn thing on his site. That's almost as good, isn't it?

Click your way over there, give it a listen, and support your talented local musicians! I guarantee you'll love it. (especially "Separate But Equal"...that song is amazing.)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Picasa Web Albums

So, I've grown very bored with gathering up photos and posting them to the web. Up until now, I've always created my own thumbnails of each picture, linked those to the web-optimized full sized picture, and FTP'd them to my site. I know that there are sites that are supposed to make this easy for you, but I haven't discovered the one to fit me yet...

... until now. Leave it to Google to finally release the tool that would give me everything that I wanted in a web album. Just out of the box, you get:

  • A photo gathering and organizing application, called Picasa, that isn't intrusive, annoying or difficult to use. It gathers and organizes your photos based upon the folders they are kept in and the timestamps when they were taken

  • 250 MB of space to hold your photos online. So, far, I have over 70 photos online, and I'm only using 9% of my space. That's a lot of free photo storage.

  • One button clicking to upload my photos to my web albums...highlight the photos you want to upload, click the "Web Album" button, fill out a name for your album...and you are done.

  • Attractively organized web pages...the Picasa site is simple to navigate, and it automatically creates all the thumbnails and navigation I want

Friends can leave comments on my photos, I can easily caption the pictures, albums that I have made public can be downloaded in one click by friends and family.

Now if only they could help me take prettier pictures (thank god for Kathleen!)