Saturday, April 28, 2007


So, I consider myself quite versed in the culture of the web. I've immersed myself pretty deeply in the web culture, and really enjoy watching the web community figuring out what kind of power they now hold. Every once in a while, though, you stumble onto some little corner of the web that makes you just shake your head and laugh. OS-tan is one of those corners.

OS-Tan are manga personifications of the Windows Operating systems. No, seriously. They apparently got started on a Japanese message board called the Futaba Channel. From what I've seen so far, it started around the time Windows ME came out, which was a disaster. Some users started referring to it as a ditzy girl, and a drawing of a green haired cute girl who was generally unstable and prone to frequent crashes. From there, it was expanded so that each operating system had their own mascot. Almost all are cute anime girls, except, oddly enough, Windows 98, which seem to be paper bags come to life. (Though, cute chicks are often seen to hide in the paper bags with hair clips in the form of "98" or "SE")

I can't thank the Wired Magazine site enough for pointing out this odd, uh, counter culture (?) to me in their article on the 15 lamest Technology Mascots ever. I reminds me that for every brilliant web-app or fantastic business venture to pop up, there is some corner of the web where nerdy guys can get together and discuss breast size in relation to memory usage of an operating system.

God Bless the Internet.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. - November 11, 1922 – April 11, 2007

As probably everyone knows by now, Kurt Vonnegut has died. It's horrible to think of our country continuing on without his moral voice constantly nagging in our ear. It was Kurt's book, "Slaughterhouse Five" that made me decide to become an English major when I attended Ball State. (Surely, anyone having read this blog before just gasped. "THIS guy was an ENGLISH major!?")

There is an interesting article on Vonnegut over on the Entertainment Weekly website of all places. John Irving, author of "The World According to Garp" and "Ciderhouse Rules" remembers his friend. I never realized how sad Vonnegut was, at least as remembered by Irving. It's heartbreaking but understandable that a man that could write a novel as funny and moving as Slaughterhouse also felt alone and troubled.

He will most definitely be missed.

Monday, April 16, 2007

A Gatchaman movie!?!!

Over at (an amazing drawing portal of Asian Illustrators) they put up an article today about a computer animated Gatchaman movie. If that doesn't ring any bells, Gatchaman was known by a few other names in the U.S..."Battle of the Planets"! "G-Force"! "The only reason that a ten-year-old Troy Carlson would get out of bed at 6:30am on a Saturday"!

Seriously hope this is good, and judging by the amazing concept art on the site, they are off to a very intriguing start!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Butch Walker is a Rock Star...

Having been a fan of the fantastic Marvelous 3, I was really looking forward to seeing Butch Walker's new band, Butch Walker and the Let's Go Out Tonight's. Dear God, I wasn't disappointed.

I'm awful about recounting concerts. It generally gets distilled into something along the lines of "He rocked!" or "Eh..." But in this case, I'll give it a try, because I feel the need to encourage everyone to just try and catch his show. Just try.

For one thing, you can see that he's having the time of his life. I, for some reason, always feel very protective of my adopted hometown of Columbus, OH, and I always wonder what these New York rock stars think of playing for a crowd in the Midwest. I never had to wonder that while Butch was on stage. The man owned us from the moment he took the stage, running, jumping, sweating, singing his heart out. It's really a joy to behold. I found myself grinning from ear to ear, and jumping around like a fool by the end of the concert. Highlights included my favorite Marvelous 3 song, "Cigarette Lighter Love Song" and their rousing version of Bruce Springsteen's "Born to Run". I left that concert feeling tired, drunk and satisfied. It's been a long time since I had as much fun at a rock and roll show.

(Wow, I really didn't do this justice! Just go see him.)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Quote of the Day...

I think it reveals a lot about me that this quote tickled me as much as it did...

One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries.
- AA Milne

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Monsters By Mail!!!

So, Len is having a baby. Unfortunately, he's a poor artist. How to pay the bills?

Easy! Send people monsters in the mail!

For $20, send Len one word, and he will draw a monster based upon that word on a 4x6 card, record the entire thing on video, mail you the card with your monster on it, and post the video of the creation process on YouTube!!!

Freakin' genius.