I'm awful about recounting concerts. It generally gets distilled into something along the lines of "He rocked!" or "Eh..." But in this case, I'll give it a try, because I feel the need to encourage everyone to just try and catch his show. Just try.
For one thing, you can see that he's having the time of his life. I, for some reason, always feel very protective of my adopted hometown of Columbus, OH, and I always wonder what these New York rock stars think of playing for a crowd in the Midwest. I never had to wonder that while Butch was on stage. The man owned us from the moment he took the stage, running, jumping, sweating, singing his heart out. It's really a joy to behold. I found myself grinning from ear to ear, and jumping around like a fool by the end of the concert. Highlights included my favorite Marvelous 3 song, "Cigarette Lighter Love Song" and their rousing version of Bruce Springsteen's "Born to Run". I left that concert feeling tired, drunk and satisfied. It's been a long time since I had as much fun at a rock and roll show.
(Wow, I really didn't do this justice! Just go see him.)
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