Instead, I made the mistake of checking Drawn!, and found this gem...15 (Painfully) Unforgettable Cartoon Theme Songs.
It was obviously created by someone a bit younger than me, who has fond memories of cartoons like "Mighty Max" and "Pro Stars" (what the heck?) But after having listened to every entry on the list, I'm now humming the "Animaniacs" theme to myself, and desperately wanting to watch an episode of "Batman the Animated Series". (And where is my "Pinky and the Brain" entry!?..."They're Pinky and the Brain! Pinky and the Brain! One is a genius, the other insane. They're labrotory mice. Their genes have been spliced! They're Pinky, Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Braaaaaaaaain!" - Pure Genius!)
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