Friday, July 06, 2007

A Bigfoot Meme!?

Is it just me, or is Bigfoot hot right now. It seems that in the past week, I've run into three or four versions of Bigfoot in artist portfolios across the web.

So, I thought I would post something I did during a meeting at work last week. (After all, I always seem to come in on the tail end of these things! I want in towards the front for once!)

Not sure what the story is here yet...I kind of had a vague idea of the Geiko cavemen when I drew this, but it came out looking cuter than the cavemen. It looks like it would be at home in a kid's story book.


Alien Citizen said...

Hah. I want your job. ....So I can sketch during meetings.

Troy said...

I sketch in meetings because it's the only way to keep focused on what is being said. Everyone in my office knows that is just the way I have to work.

When I was first doing it, the boss kept testing me, bringing up things that they had just said to make sure I was paying attention. But when I was able to answer all her questions, she decided to just let it go...

I'm not sure if it's an A.D.D. thing, or what...I just can't concentrate very well, and if I have a drawing to calm my mind down, I can listen to what's going on around me better...