Holy crap, here we go...the new trailer for the Dark Knight is out...and it looks good. Real good. Heath Ledger looks like he's going to ROCK as the Joker.
I'm still not going to get my hopes too high...I was totally pumped and ready for Superman Returns last summer, and while it was good, it didn't live up to expectations. (Yet, in the back of my mind, I'm still mentally jumping up and down after that trailer...)
Here's to hoping...
RIP, Heath Ledger.
Guess that knocks him out of the sequels, huh?
"I'm still not going to get my hopes too high...I was totally pumped and ready for Superman Returns last summer, and while it was good, it didn't live up to expectations. (Yet, in the back of my mind, I'm still mentally jumping up and down after that trailer...)"
Your kidding, right? You can't compare apples to oranges. Of course you were disappointed by Superman, the writer and director are mediocre.
Were you disappointed with Batman Begins? HELL no. It's perhaps the best superhero film ever.
And why should this one be any different? It's still Christopher Nolan (sing choirs of angels). It's still Christian Bale. And now we've got Heath Ledger (he looks crazy awesome in the trailers... and without the craptastic Jack Nicholson smaltz) and (sweet!) Maggie Gyllenhaal (thank GOD they axed Mrs. Tom Cruise, in my opinion the only real thing wrong with Batman Begins).
*tries to collect himself*
You think Brian Singer is...mediocre? Wha-!? X-Men 2! Usual Suspects! These are some GREAT films! I LOVE Singer!
But I'll totally go along with you when it comes to Nolan, Bale, Ledger and *yes!* Gyllenhaal. I even liked Katie Holmes for the most part in the first movie, but Maggie Gyllenhaal is wonderful.
So yes, this looks like it will kick the hell out of Superman Returns. But I'm still trying not to build it up TOO much in my head.
(And yes, RIP, Heath Ledger.)
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