Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Best. Post. Ever.

Many props to Giantmonster for this post. God, I'm dying over here.

Friday, May 23, 2008

My Music Video Holy Grail...

I love YouTube. I fell in love with it early, with the classics (All Your Base Are Belong To Us, Star Wars Kid, Numa Numa) But there has been one place where it has always let me down...that Holy Grail that just didn't seem to exist online. It was a barely remembered song with a kick-ass video that I remembered from my Sophomore year in college (my Mtv Year) Michael Penn's "Look What the Cat Drug In (Long Way Down)" I always thought the song was pretty good, but that VIDEO...

It's taken over 10 years, but tonight, for the first time, I found it on a random Google Video search. My holy grail. (Be warned, you will probably have to sit through a dumb commercial)

...crap. Not as cool as I remembered it. (Still pretty damn sweet, though!)

Any other holy grail videos out there? What can't you find?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

MUTO - Graffiti Animation

Holy crap!

Muto is a project started by "Blu", who is apparently a graffiti artist from Italy, and who is one part Salvador Dali and one part tripping acid. Creepy, gorgeous stuff. The amount of work and imagination that went into this just stagger me.

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

Via GiantMonster

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Iron Man Review! (spoiler free)

I watched Iron Man tonight thinking, "Jon Freaking FAVREAU made this?!" Seriously, who knew that all along, all we had to do was ask Mikey, and he would make the ultimate superhero movie (you're money, baby!)

So, you read right...ultimate superhero movie. I guess it makes sense. Iron Man is MADE to be put on screen. Nothing looks better CGI'd than a robot. And Tony Stark has always been written to be a super charismatic bastard...who would be more fun to bring to the screen?

But forget all that. It's pretty easy to see why this film worked. Robert Downey Jr NAILED it. You can say what you want about how he could draw on his experience with addiction and blah, blah, blah...but no. Downey was a movie star in the very best sense of the word. He was up on screen, bigger than life, yet believable, and obviously having the time of his life.

Then, there was the story. It was simple. They didn't try and over-explain. It only contained what was needed to tell the tale they set out to tell. Too many times, superhero movies fall in love with what they can do and forget that there has to be a decent story to back it up. Not this time.

I realize I'm babbling a bit, but this is the babble of love. I love this movie, and while I'm a little sad to see X-Men 2 knocked out of the top spot for best superhero movie ever, I'm totally jazzed that Iron Man was such a success. I only hope that people aren't upset when they hit the comic shops next week, hoping to check out the Tony Stark they saw in the movie, and instead they find...whatever the hell they're doing to Iron Man in the comics recently. I mean, he's had a mental breakdown in his own book, he's started a superhero civil war, he's the new director of SHIELD...not a good time for him to get popular in the cinema. (God, if only a good Daredevil movie was out right now...THERE'S a book people would love after picking up a few issues!)

PS - stick around to the end of the credits! Great moment, especially for fans of the comics!!!!