Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Joker!?!!

Holy crap. This is so exciting!

Apparently, this is our first look at Heath Ledger as The Joker from his part in the upcoming Christopher Nolan, The Dark Knight.

The image was revealed on ibelieveinharveydenttoo.com, where a picture of Heath in the makeup was slowly revealed. The site now claims to be down, giving a "Page Not Found" error (however, try doing a "select all" while on that page...)

This looks bad ass. I can't wait to see the take Nolan has on the Joker. I've heard a lot of people complain that no one could follow Jack Nicholson's performance in the original Tim Burton "Batman" film, but it looks like they aren't trying to compete with that portrayal. This is looking to be an entirely new Joker. One who may actually be as scary as he has been portrayed in the comic.

I'm trying not to get my hopes too high for this film, but wow. So far, so good.


Alien Citizen said...

I really enjoyed Batman Begins. I hope its at least as good as that movie.

Troy said...

Everything I've seen seems to point to this movie being great! I have high hopes (which usually lead to them being dashed on the rocks of high expectations, but...)