Sunday, July 08, 2007

OMGFREEMOVIESI'm hesitant to even mention this site. I fear that spreading the word that this site exists will just hasten it being taken down, but after having finally watched the movie 300...a movie that I just couldn't force myself to shell out the money to watch otherwise, I can see it's worth, and wanted to be sure and spread the word. is exactly that. Free movies, online. I'm surprised by how well it works. I'm not one to usually do the pirated content thing. I get all my music from (and the occasional iTunes purchase when there is just no other way to get it) and the majority of my movies are seen through my netflix account. However, yesterday, I had a craving to finally give 300 a chance. It's a beautiful comic, and I enjoyed the art immensely when it came out. However, I have remained unconvinced, despite all my friends telling me that I would enjoy it, that it could successfully be translated into a film. Thus, when Giantmonster linked to, and I saw 300 listed there, I figured it would be a good chance to finally find out. (I was plesantly surprised, by the way...much better than I could have imagined it!)

So, there is my recommendation...get your movies legally, but for those films that you just don't think would be worth plunking down the $9 to catch in the theater...there is this site.

I can live with that.


Alien Citizen said...

Awesome...of course, I'd be wary of picking up viruses and such. Must you download the movies from this site or is there a player...?

Troy said...

It just uses the DivX player. More info can be found here about it:

and here is the official home page:

I haven't seen any issues with it so far...don't think it's considered spyware or virus carrying.

Anonymous said...

sadly there are no gary busey movies hosted at omgfreemovies. a shame, really. i will make some calls & see what i can do to make that happen.

also, i do believe the site only streams movies. but if you can download them, hey - go for it!

(& thanks for the link-back, troy!)

Troy said...

Well, that didn't last long. Just went out there to see what I could watch, and now it's just YouTube videos and links to Paris Hilton sites, or some damn thing.

Ah well. Easy come, easy go.

Troy said...

(and I've told you before, I'm now horrified of Gary Busey!...that video on your site has made me downright terrified of the man!)

Anonymous said...

That site has been around for months. Looks like it got too popular and drew negative attention *cough* MPAA *cough* douchbags *cough*