Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Wha - ?! You mean they won?!

What an odd sensation. This is the first election where I actually voted for winners!

I'm a late-comer to the political world. During High School and even college, it never interested me much. I remember reacting when I heard we had invaded Kuwait in 1990, but beyond that, nothing phased me much.

So, it wasn't until President Bush really started applying his unique brand of "Presidentin'" that I really started paying attention to politics.

Here's what I want to see happen now...
  • Lower student loan percentages...Bush crows about his tax cuts like they are the solution to all that ails America...yet, when the basic student loan rose from 5.3 percent to 7.14 percent, I certainly felt that stronger than any tax cut.
  • Come up with a new strategy for Iraq...instead of treading water, I'd like to see some progress. The firing of Rumsfeld was a great first step, and some of the "realist" ideas that are being pushed by James Baker's Iraq commission sound like they're plausible and sound.
  • Alternative Energy Sources...whether it's for environmental, political or moral reasons, getting off our dependence on oil sooner rather than later seems like a win/win. Not sure why we haven't done it sooner?

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