So, I've finally started a blog. No reason, really, except I love finding fun sites and media on the 'Net and sharing them. That's what most of this will be. I'll also throw in some of my own stuff here and there.
I was going to do a quick "bio", if you will, but let's be honest....My life, as charmed and wonderful as it really is, doesn't make for good storytelling. Who wants to hear about a guy who grew up with two caring, devoted parents who loved him? Who got a good education, has a decent job, a wonderful wife and a crazy dog?
So, instead, I'll just say that it was Sean Esty, creator of the online comic "Skullcano Island", that really made me realize how fun a blog could be. I look at his stuff, and just gape in wonder. The man is some kind of wizard...somewhere between Mike Mignola and Humberto Ramos, he makes it look easy with those amazing lines and that fantastic character design. I hate him, I really do.
Listen to me, like I actually know him. Like I've MET him! Sean Esty doesn't know me! Yet, here we are. With me all envious of him, and trying to draw as well as him. Like that's gonna happen. But, in the spirit of "imitation being the sincerest form of flattery", I thought I would try and attempt to draw a piece of fan art. It's rough, but I think if I stick to it, it may turn out OK, which means it's doomed, since I don't seem capable of ever actually FINISHING a peice of art.
Anyway, I give you Miss Molly Holliday, star of Mr.Esty's on-line comic, Marooned! Hope you like her!
What an odd sensation. This is the first election where I actually voted for winners!
I'm a late-comer to the political world. During High School and even college, it never interested me much. I remember reacting when I heard we had invaded Kuwait in 1990, but beyond that, nothing phased me much.
So, it wasn't until President Bush really started applying his unique brand of "Presidentin'" that I really started paying attention to politics.
Here's what I want to see happen now...
Lower student loan percentages...Bush crows about his tax cuts like they are the solution to all that ails America...yet, when the basic student loan rose from 5.3 percent to 7.14 percent, I certainly felt that stronger than any tax cut.
Come up with a new strategy for Iraq...instead of treading water, I'd like to see some progress. The firing of Rumsfeld was a great first step, and some of the "realist" ideas that are being pushed by James Baker's Iraq commission sound like they're plausible and sound.
Alternative Energy Sources...whether it's for environmental, political or moral reasons, getting off our dependence on oil sooner rather than later seems like a win/win. Not sure why we haven't done it sooner?
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm sick of iTunes.
I don't use it, personally. My wife has it on here, because she has an iPod, so fair play. I seem to be stubbornly avoiding it at the moment, though. I can't stand the stupid thing. It seems to take over my computer. Every time I install it, the damned thing sets itself as the primary player for all music formats...despite the fact that I tell it NOT to. I've stopped fighting it, which is probably Apple's evil plan, and now just right click all my MP3's and choose my REAL audio player (the fantastic Quintessential Player...only does one thing, and does it damned well!) However, god forbid I not think, and just double click a file...I now get to wait thirty seconds while my computer stops and devotes all it's processing power on opening the monstrosity that is iTunes. I swear I can actually see the lights dim in the house as it boots up.
What prompted this post is that iTunes just told me it needs to update itself. Again. Didn't I just do this a week ago? How long has version 4 been out, anyway? A month? And is it me, or does every time iTunes need an update, do they do a FULL FREAKING INSTALL?! You have to download a iTunesSetup.exe and let it uninstall and re-install and register and God knows what else...then, when it's finally finished, the first time you open it back up, it takes twenty minutes to update the iTunes library...never mind the fact that I haven't TOUCHED it since I reinstalled the stupid thing!
The next time some snide Mac user gives me shit about using a PC, I'm gonna punch him.
I'm just a guy. I live in Columbus, OH. I have a wife and a dog. I like to draw and read comics and create stuff. Much of it on the computer. Some not.